About the Collaborations ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Our Mission ****************************************************************************************** Bridging existing gaps between the academic, public and private sectors building on exchan experience best practices and contacts of the Czech Republic, Germany and the Netherlands. — Collaborations for the Future *========================================================================================= * Collaborations for the Future *========================================================================================= NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND SMART APPLICATIONS can accelerate economic growth, improve products a and help us to address various needs of our societies. The on-going pandemic is a strong r governments, academia and the private sector should work hand-in-hand to cope with new cha especially in an emergency situation. This recent experience shows that universities and r institutes are capable and willing to provide their resources and knowledge and reach out in order to develop much needed new healthcare products, services and applications. This l be forgotten, rather, it should boost ongoing efforts to bridge still existing gaps betwee public and private sectors. Research and innovation ecosystems vary in different countries according to their traditio rules, administrative frameworks etc. However, there is an ample potential of practical ex practices that can taped into and shared for the benefit of all. This is the reason why three countries, the Czech Republic, Germany and the Netherlands, d establish a platform to examine how to best support an effective transfer of knowledge and learning from each other. THE PLATFORM BRING TOGETHER high-level representatives from responsible ministries, univer research institutes, public administration and funding agencies, researchers, and, last bu entrepreneurs representing new, technology-based, spin-offs. ****************************************************************************************** * Objectives to be achieved ****************************************************************************************** Building on our previous contacts and common projects top Czech, Dutch and German experts lessons learned and share best practices in technology transfer and new business grow with formulate concrete recommendations on some key objectives, including: • promotion of genuine collaborations between the academia and the business; • mutual support in developing spin-offs into new successful innovative enterprises; • ideas how to expand cooperation between the top Czech, Dutch and German teams and expert establishment of a platform for exchanging future contacts and projects. ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Organizers ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Sponsors ******************************************************************************************